Tuesday 24 December 2013

Monday 23 December 2013


Not content with playing a shepherd last year; this year Clive had pulled out all the stops to play all three Wise Men.
1 day until Christmas

Sunday 22 December 2013


Clive was hoping it was a train set.
2 days until Christmas

Saturday 21 December 2013

Friday 20 December 2013


Clive was about to discover the star he had been following was just an aeroplane. 
4 days until Christmas

Wednesday 18 December 2013


Clive had received a card from his friend Gary and he was pleased as could be.
6 days until Christmas 

Tuesday 17 December 2013


This tree would do, after all Clive was only little.
7 days until Christmas

Monday 16 December 2013


I wonder what is behind today's advent calendar door? What could it possibly be?
8 days until Christmas

Sunday 15 December 2013

Saturday 14 December 2013

Friday 13 December 2013


Clive had gone a bit mad with his advent calendar.
11 days until Christmas

Thursday 12 December 2013


Clive: Not Hufflepuff, not Hufflepuff. Hat: Sorry, not many options here. HUFFLEPUFF!
12 days until Christmas

Wednesday 11 December 2013


Clive really wanted to be friends with Gary the Gazelle, but the friendship bracelet Gary had given him was just too small.
13 days until Christmas


Where has Clive gone? Why don't we ask that moustachioed bespectacled gentleman over there?!
14 days until Christmas

Monday 9 December 2013


Clive was ready for the carol service
15 days until Christmas

Sunday 8 December 2013


Make your own Clive Christmas decoration
16 days until Christmas

Saturday 7 December 2013


Clive couldn't be bothered to untangle the Christmas lights so this would have to do.
17 days until Christmas

Friday 6 December 2013


Clive does not give two hoots (what the owl says) what the fox says. Please stop asking him.
18 days until Christmas 

Thursday 5 December 2013

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Monday 2 December 2013

Sunday 1 December 2013